Monday, June 20, 2011

SuNSeT BEaCh - with Henry Glass

Boutique Cafe and yours truly!

It's always a little distracting to see yourself being video taped! I don't know about you, but I have a tendency to pick myself apart!
......I shouldn't have worn that, guh! .....My hair! Oh why did I wear my hair like that? Do I really look like that when I talk? ha!
and it goes on and on.... 
And of course it doesn't help to hear your 5 yr. old say... "Is that you Mommy? You look weird."

Anyhow, here it is. Despite all my own criticisms, I am truly grateful to my friend, sweet Daria for featuring me on the Boutique Cafe giving me a chance to show you all my new boys collection Sunset Beach! It was going to debut in October at Quilt Market in Houston, but it has been pushed back a bit and will be hitting stores in March 2012.  If you love hip, edgy boy surfer fabric with awesome colors, plaids and geometric prints perfect for your boys room etc.... please make sure you ask your favorite quilt shop for it!

If you run over to Boutique Cafe and leave a comment, Daria will be doing a give away for some of my own personal stash of my 1st fabric collection called Pacific Trade Winds from Studio E.  This fabric is still available for purchase. Check my website for stores that carry it!
Here are some swatches for you to see up close.....

SuNSet BeAcH
by: Lucy Morey

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