Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve....

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas.....

Love- Lucy  
Hot Scott Patterns & The Drizzled Apple!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm so excited to introduce my new pattern offered by McCall's!

Check out the 2011 McCall Lookbook at your favorite 
fabric/sewing store, and find patterns by Lucy Morey there!
Yay! Have I said how much I love my job lately? 
I do!  
(it's a good day ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011


Getting in the spirit of Christmas here.... I have all kinds of projects I'd love to do, but there just never is enough time to do them all!  Take a look at some of these great little ideas for around the home......

Ok, I'm going to get back at it... but I thought I'd share some of those DIY things that were inspiring to me for the Holiday's! 

and Happy Sewing!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Vintage Elf

Got around to my Christmas Decorating this weekend. This is one of my favorite decorations from my parents home. 
Vintage Christmas Elf. I love his rabbit fur lined vest and little elf booties! He has porcelain face and hands and painted fingernails!!! 
Now I don't know about you, but that little detail is new to me :) 
(didn't know elf's painted their fingernails red, did you?)

Anyhow, just thought I'd share a little Christmas Cheer...... Do you have a favorite decoration? Or maybe you are making something really great this year for your home?  If so, I wanna see! Send me a little picture on my facebook page and tell me about it! 
Click HERE and upload it on my Hot Scott Patterns wall! 
It's so much fun to see what you all are up to this time of year! 

Have a great Monday!